Class 6

Ryan Pearson
Nov 29, 2021
  • Discuss in words something you learned in class today or this week

This week in class we learned about styling with material ui and how to pull from the documentation to copy/paste it into our code

  • What is render() in React? Explain its purpose.

render() is the process of converting react components to what will be displayed on the screen

  • Is setState() async?

Yes, setting up more conditionals can cause errors because of this

  • What are controlled components?

controlled components takes its current value through props and uses callbacks like onClick to signal changes. A parent component controls it by handling the callback and managing its own state

  • What is the event loop in JavaScript?

The event loop is a queue of callback functions

  • Why does ReactJS use className over class attribute?

Class is a keyword so className is converted by jsx

